How acupuncture is treating trauma around the world

Did you know that acupuncture is commonly used in disaster response situations to treat trauma?

In 2017 and 2018 Acupuncturists Without Borders sent teams of acupuncturists to Puerto Rico to treat trauma in the communities affected by Hurricane Maria.

It never fails to amaze me what impact a few points can make to people's lives. 

We invite you to view When the Birds Stopped Singing, a new AWB video profiling trauma healing and disaster relief work in Puerto Rico. AWB has sent three teams to the island since last December (including a service trip happening right now) to provide treatments in underserved communities hit hard by Hurricane Maria.

Fortunately, while most of us may not have experienced the after-effects of a natural or human-made disaster of this scale, some of us will have experienced trauma or severe stress in other ways that are holding us back.

The effects of acupuncture can be subtle yet so powerful in supporting people through difficult times and to help them live life fully again. The wonderful thing is that ultimately, it is you: your body and your mind, that is making these changes. The treatment and the acupuncturist are but facilitators. 

Ask me about the small group community acupuncture sessions that I run at reduced rates, to calm busy minds.

If you are more suited to one-to-one treatment, a confidential service is waiting for you, from a quiet and private clinic room in Moffat, surrounded by nature, whenever you are ready. 

Have a peaceful weekend.