For one-to-one acupuncture sessions please wear loose clothing. Patients are often asked to roll their trouser legs up to expose their knees and lower leg or sleeves up to reveal their elbows and forearm. Socks and shoes are also removed prior to treatment. Access to your back, neck, shoulders or hips may be required.
Your modesty is respected at all times but these days I am unable to provide towels and blankets so please bring your own either for draping when some clothes have been removed or to keep you cosy during treatment if you like.
Community acupuncture sessions are delivered fully clothed but loose clothes will help you feel more comfortable while relaxing.
Nearly everyone I treat feels more relaxed after acupuncture treatment, some occasionally feel a bit spaced out. Infrequently a small bruise will be left at the acupuncture point following treatment but this disappears in day or two. Before you consent to treatment my online booking process provides you with all the information you need to know so you are fully informed before you make the decision to proceed.
It is not advisable to have acupuncture on an empty stomach so eat something in advance of your appointment but not a three course meal! I also cannot treat you if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Please turn off your mobile phone before entering the clinic. I like to protect your stress levels by keeping the clinic a beep-free zone. No need to shave legs, no judgement from me and I’ll be focusing on other things.
A blanket or towel for draping or keeping you cosy if you like and a bottle of water to drink afterwards. Bring your phone if you like but please switch it off. Beeps and rings can interrupt the stress-free vibe.
Acupuncture treatments take place in a bright, spacious garden room, tucked away in a secluded corner of Moffat, away from the hustle and bustle and surrounded by nature.
The address is Redacres, Well Road, Moffat, DG10 9JT. If you drive up Well Road from town we are the next house on your right with grey gates after the turn off to Ballplay Road and the new bridge and just before the road forks into Alton road.
Below you’ll find a video to help you find the clinic.
Card payments can be made via my online booking system at the time of booking to secure your slot.
Click here to watch a video of how to find Restore Me acupuncture clinic once you reach Well Road in Moffat